Friday, December 24, 2010

What in the world is Elf on the Shelf...

So the other morning my students walk in all talking about how the "elf" came to visit them last night.  I'm clearly confused and thinking they are playing a prank on me until today.  My bestie from school shares with me that her 2nd graders are all obsessed with the "elf on the shelf".  Naturally I look at her like she's insane until I realize that this is a book with a stuffed toy elf and they get to name it. Their parents are clearly invested in this prank because these kids don't even believe in Santa anymore because of their elf that writes them notes and hides and leaves them gifts in which they have to respond by letter as well.

Boy times sure have changed...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Second Thoughts

It's been a while since I've written anything for the blog but I honestly haven't had the passion to want to do so.  I'm going to try my best to post at least once a week because I think it will help me to express some of my feelings about my first year as a 4th grade teacher.

I swear I would have never thought it would have been like this.  Especially being we were all taught to ask what is your support system like for your new teachers. Sad to say I didn't get to ask that question because I wasn't hired to work at my school I was moved there.  Well now I know their support system sucks! My mentor was our for about a month because of her father's death which I don't blame on her because even though he was sick can you ever truly prepare for a loss like that? I don't think so but I did assure her upon her return that I was fine and that she shouldn't be worried about me but she needed to focus on herself and take some time to get herself back in her groove.

My grade level stinks...That's about all I can say about that.  I find out things at the last minute which leaves me feeling unprepared and anxious.  I have a great relationship with most of my parents but there are a few that I'd rather not deal with ever again in life.

I hate math stations...they seem pointless to me but hey somebody thought it was a good idea so I'm just gonna run with it.

The one thing that makes me hate school the most now is the disloyalty among my peers.  Everyone is worried about themselves especially our principal.  I honestly think next year he is gonna be gone and we are going to be in for a rude awakening because he is so laid back we have no true structure.  We don't turn in our lesson plans for review. We don't have grade level meetings anymore.

Now the final drum roll.................................................................................................................................

Due to our budget (county) there is going to be a lay off of about 300 positions.  So that feels like all of the 1st & 2nd year teachers are outta here... I pray not because I need my job but I can't say that I didn't think about this happening.
