Just yesterday I was thinking about my grade school career and the teachers I had. They never seemed stressed and we rarely heard them complain or grumble about anything. We were taught well and we were disciplined. Not to mention our teachers taught our parents, cousins, aunts & uncles. So the question came to me what changed that teachers don't love their jobs unconditionally anymore? It's rare to find teachers that have been teaching long enough to retire and most are seeking early retirement. As I pondered these thoughts it became clear to me that the US education system doesn't really care so much for the children as they say they do... concern is solely on how good does our school / school system look when those glorious test scores surface. SMH it truly makes me sad that our educational system has come to this because what it causes is added tension among staff and added stress on the teachers. It's hard to teach when in the back of your mind the only thing you can think about is how much you have to do, deadlines, iep's, pep's, test scores, etc.
I would love the opportunity to teach stress free like my teachers did...at least once would be nice.