Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year all!

Kinda sad it got here so winter break is officially over!!!!!! We had snow for 2 days in December before school was out so we lose our workday for January 3...(super sad face) I've had to go in to the school this weekend to do work to make sure I am all ready for my new beginning.

I have my mind made up that I am going to be the absolute best teacher I can be.  So with that being said it's gonna mean that I am going to have to put in some extra work during the week/weekend to be beyond prepared for what's in store.

I need to make some heads turn at my school so I've created a new website for my kids & parents to access so we will see how this goes.  Wish me luck and if you have any ideas please feel free to leave em'!


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